Reports, Articles, chapters, testimony
Quick Fixes to Lock in Wins for Workers, jointly issued by NYU Wagner Labor Inititive, National Employment Law Project, Towards Justice, Economic Policy Institute, Harvard Center for Labor and a Just Economy, and the American Economic Liberties Project, November 26, 2024.
How Local Government Can Stand Up for Workers When States Try to Stand in Their Way, (co-author LiJia Gong), Local Progress and NYU Wagner Labor Initiative, September 2, 2024.
State Policy Levers to Fight Child Labor, 77 Ark. L. Rev. (2024).
How local government can protect workers' rights even when states do not want them to: opportunities for local creativity and persistence despite double preemption, (co-author LiJia Gong), 51 Fordham Urban Law Journal 977, 2024.
Policies for states and localities to fight oppressive child labor, Economic Policy Institute and NYU Wagner Labor Initiative, February 27, 2024.
Localities take action to protect workers, Labor Day Report 2023 (co-author Vishal Reddy), Economic Policy Institute, Harvard Center for Labor and a Just Economy, Local Progress, September 4, 2023.
Ensuring the Safety and Well‐Being of Unaccompanied Children, Written testimony submitted to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in conjunction with hearing June 14, 2023.
Power in partnership: How government agencies and community partners are joining forces to fight wage theft (co-author Rachel Deutsch), Economic Policy Institute and Harvard Center for Labor and a Just Economy, June 8, 2023.
Examining the Role of AGs in a Just Transition (co-author Bethany Davis Noll), 40 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 198 (2023).
A Role for State Attorneys General in a Just Transition, (co-authors Bethany Davis Noll and Tiernaur Anderson), Harvard Labor and Worklife Program and State Energy and Environmental Impact Center, NYU School of Law, December, 2022.
Why workplace scholars and enforcers should be in conversation, Labor and Employment Relations Association Perspectives on Work magazine, Volume 26, 2022.
The Growing Role of Localities in the United States in Enacting and Enforcing Protections for Gig Economy Workers, (co-author LiJia Gong), Competition Policy International, TechREG Chronicle, July 20, 2022.
The role of local government in protecting workers' rights, (co-author LiJia Gong), Economic Policy Institute, Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, Local Progress, June 13, 2022. Related: One page checklist on how local government can advance workers' rights.
How district attorneys and state attorneys general are fighting workplace abuses, Economic Policy Institute and Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, May 17, 2021.
State and Local Workers’ Rights Innovations: New Players, New Laws, New Methods of Enforcement, originally published in Saint Louis University Law Journal, 65 St. Louis U. L.J. 45 (2021).
Forced Arbitration: A Losing Proposition for Workers, Chapter 11 in Inequality and the Labor Market, Sharon Block and Benjamin H. Harris, eds., Brookings Institution Press, April 6, 2021.
Workers’ rights protection and enforcement by state attorneys general, Economic Policy Institute and Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, August 27, 2020.
Protecting Workers Through Publicity: Promoting Workplace Law Compliance Through Strategic Communication, (co-author Tanya Goldman), Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, June 2020.
The People’s Lawyer, For All the People: State Attorneys General and Immigrants’ Rights, American Constitution Society Issue Brief, June 2020.
“Sign on the Dotted Line”: How Coercive Employment Contracts Are Bringing Back the Lochner Era and What We Can Do About It, (co-author Jane Flanagan), originally published in University of San Francisco Law Review, 54 U.S.F. L. Rev. 441 (2020).
How States and Localities Can Protect Workplace Safety and Health, (co-authors Jane Flanagan and Patricia Smith), Harvard Labor and Worklife Program and National Employment Law Project, May 15, 2020.
State and local labor standards enforcement during COVID-19, (co-author Jane Flanagan), Economic Policy Institute and Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, April 28, 2020.
Re-Envisioning the Roles of Prosecutors and Attorneys General to Make the Justice System Work for Everyone, (co-author Arisha Hatch), Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2020.
Confronting Misclassification and Payroll Fraud: A Survey of State Labor Standards Enforcement Agencies (co-author Mark Erlich), Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, June 2019.
State attorneys general can play key roles in protecting workers’ rights, (co-author Marni von Wilpert), Economic Policy Institute, May 7, 2018.
Power point and two-pager summarizing NYU Wagner Labor Initiative